Understanding Instructions for your GCSE AQA Spanish Exam

Questions 1 and 2 of your writing exam, and  Section B of your listening and reading exams will be in Spanish. Here are some of the instructions you might see, along with some handy translations. Make sure you become familiar with them, it will help you to feel more confident.

Spanish GCSE writing exam

Lee, escucha y contesta… (Read, listen and answer…)

Lee lo que dicen…Read what they say…
Escuha la descripción/la opinión/la entrevista/la noticia…Listen to the description/the opinion/the interview/the news…
Contesta  a las preguntas en español.Answer the questions in Spanish.
Responde a las dos partes de la pregunta.Answer both parts of the questions.

Escoge… (Choose…)

Selecciona/Escoge un párrafo…Select/Choose the paragraph…
Indica las (dos) frases verdaderas.Indicate the (x) true phrases / sentences.

Completa… (Complete…)

Completa/Rellena la tabla / el texto / el espacio en blanco en español.Complete / Fill in the table /the text/ the blank space in Spanish.
Completa las frases.Complete the phrases / sentences.

Escribe… (Write…)

Escribe la letra correcta en cada casilla.Write the correct letter in each box.
Escribe todos los detallesWrite all the details / Give full details.
Da (x) detalles.Give (x) details.
Escribe P si la opinión es positiva, N si la opinión es negativa y P+N si la opinión es positiva y negativa.Write P if the opinion is positive, N if the opinion is negative, and P+N if the opinion is positive and negative.
Escribe aproximadamente (x) palabras en español.Write approximately (x) words in Spanish.
No es necesario escribir con frases completas.It is not necessary to write in full sentences.