The first impression is very important, so learning to introduce yourself in Spanish and give personal information must be one of your main priorities if you want to succeed in GCSE Spanish exam. This is what we are going to do in this lesson, we have a video, some grammar tips, vocabulary, quizzes, and, finally, a writing task, all designed for you to start giving basic information about yourself in Spanish.
A lot of things to do so the sooner we start the better ¡Empezamos!
How to introduce yourself in Spanish
We start with the video. You are going to listen to several young people talking about them in Spanish. Stop the video, write down what they say in your notebook, and repeat it several times to memorize the phrases and work on the pronunciation. It will be also useful that you to review how to conjugate the present tense in Spanish.
As you have seen in the video, if you want to introduce yourself in Spanish, you can say, for example, your name, where you are from, where you live, what you study, what languages you speak, how old you are… Look at the example below and change the underlined words for your own information:
Me llamo Marta, soy de Málaga y vivo en Sevilla con mi familia. Tengo 14 años y estudio primero de bachillerato. Hablo español, inglés y un poco de italiano.
To be able to say these things, you need to know, for example, numbers and the name of the language. You can practice everything with the quizzes below.
Giving personal information about yourself
Of course, you can also talk about your family, and your friends; say something about your city or the things you like to do.
Click on the link to learn more about how to talk about yourself in Spanish