If you want to not only pass your test but also speak Spanish, one of the areas you need to work on the most is your listening skills. Think that if you do not understand correctly what the examiner tells you, you will hardly be able to give the appropriate answer. During our online tutorials, we will work a lot on this area, but we also have videos with subtitles and a podcast to help you improve your listening skills.
Podcasts for work with the GCSE Spanish
Here you have a list of proposed podcasts for the GCSE Spanish that will help you to improve your listening skill and successfully pass your exam.
Click on the link, read the questions carefully, and listen to the audio, after that go back to the questions and answer them.
Once you feel ready check your answers and read the transcript, look up the unfamiliar words in a dictionary, and listen to the podcast again. Of course, write to your tutor if you have any questions.
Vídeos with subtitles to work your listening skills
Here are some videos with Spanish subtitles. These are situations that usually appear on the exam, so they will be a really useful tool to improve your listening skills.
You have to watch the video a couple of times, stop it and repeat what you listen to several times. Finally, answer the questions. You have links to the grammar used in the video to go over the topic and, of course, you can write to your tutor with any questions you have about it.