Time to think green and start talking about the things that affect the environment -EL MEDIO AMBIENTE-. Environmental issues are a recurring theme during the GCSE AQA Spanish exam so make sure you are prepared to discuss them. To start, my advice is to prepare yourself by learning vocabulary related to this topic, click on the link to access the vocabulary about the environment in Spanish.
Express your opinion about the environment
When you talk about the environment you will need to say what you think about different things, for this you need to learn how to give your opinion in Spanish. There are different formulas to do it, but be careful! Some of them will need to use a subjunctive.
English translation about climate change - el cambio climático.
Translate the passage below into English. First, learn some tips to successfully translate from Spanish to English. You can leave your translation in the comments below or send it directly to your tutor by email. Still don’t have a Spanish tutor?
Activity ref: ET-71
El cambio climático es un problema que me preocupa bastante. El uso de ciertos combustibles contamina el aire y causa el calentamiento global.
Debido al efecto invernadero, las temperaturas suben, lo que amenaza la supervivencia de algunos animales, por ejemplo los pingüinos.
Spanish translation about water wastage - el desperdicio de agua.
Translate the passage below into Spanish. Learn some tips to successfully translate from English to Spanish. You can leave your translation in the comments below or send it directly to your tutor by email. Still don’t have a Spanish tutor?
Activity ref: SP-59
Water is necessary for everybody. Without water, crops can’t survive. It is an important resource that we shouldn’t use up.
We should waste less water in our daily lives.
Click on this link if you want to work with more activities related to the environment.