Talking about yourself will be really important during your GCSE Spanish-speaking exam. You just can’t get by without it, so let’s make sure you are able to do it confidently, we have some vocabulary and grammar notes, a podcast, a video, some activities to practice, and, of course, a personal tutor to check all your progress.
Preséntate (Introduce yourself)
When talking about yourself in Spanish, the first thing you’ll have to do is say your first and last name, even spell it out. You will also need to say your age, where you are from, or where you live. We are going to see some vocabulary that will be very useful to you.

In Spanish, you «have» an age, so you need the verb «tener» to say how old you are. «Tener» is a radical-changing verb: Tengo 16 años (I am 16 years old).
This vocabulary is useful, but let’s see how to use it in context.

* Have you noticed? Using these resources, we have used one future tense and two different past tenses: pretérito indefinido (preterite) and pretérito perfecto (present perfect).
You will also need to know how to say the dates and numbers in Spanish. In addition, the following nationalities may be useful to you:
- inglés/inglesa (English)
- escocés/escocesa (Scottish)
- galés/galesa (Welsh)
- irlandés/irlandesa (Irish)
Notice that nationalities in Spanish are not written with capital letters and they have to agree in gender with the people they are referred to. Do you want to learn more about nationalities in Spanish? By the way, many nationalities are also used as languages:
«Soy colombiana, mi lengua materna es el español, pero también hablo inglés bastante bien y un poco francés«. Can you translate this sentence into English in the comments below? We will corret it for you.
Talking about yourself in Spanish
In this video, you can see a Spanish girl talking about herself, something similar to what you will have to do in the exam. Much of the information she uses may be of use to you. Stop the video from time to time to repeat what she says but use your own information.
Laura, the girl in the video, has spelled her last name and has told us about its origin and the languages she speaks. She has also told us about her family and her best friends. She has described her room a bit, maybe that is not very useful, but you can also talk a little about the city where you live.
VIP students' revision and practice
Remember you can get in touch with your tutor by email, with any questions you have. You will need to click on all the links and study the information related to finishing this module, which will take you between five to eight hours of self-study.
Once you feel prepared, click on the link to access the mini revision test_01, to check everything done during this lesson.
When you receive your tutor notes will be the moment to ask for a conversation lesson to practice everything you have learned. Although you will need to be registered as a VIP student to enjoy all these benefits.