Spanish to English translation for the GCSE exam

During the exam you will have to make a Spanish to English translation, below you will find two exercises so you can prove your knowledge.

In theory, this task will be easier than the translation from English to Spanish, but you will have to follow some simple but important steps to succeed in your exam.

Tips for your translation

  • First, you must make sure that you understand the phrases in Spanish well. Look at the following example: La semana pasada fui a comer pizza a un restaurante estupendo.
  • Is the sentence in the past, present, future…? To find out, you must pay attention to the verbs, although there may be other clues such as «time words» that indicate when the action takes place: «fui (I went)» is the past tense of the verb «ir (to go)», but we also have «la semana pasada (last week)», which tells us that the action took place in the past.
  • What is the subject of the sentence? Sometimes it will be indicated in the sentence, but you can always guess the subject of the sentence by looking at the verb: «fui» is the first person singular. That is, the sentence is about me.
  • Review the order of the words. In Spanish and in English words’ order do not always coincide: “un restaurant estupendo” would be “a great restaurant”.
  • Don’t get upset if you don’t understand a word, it can often be guessed from the context. Imagine that you have doubts about whether «pizza» means the same thing in Spanish and English, being together with «comer (to eat)» and «restaurante (restaurant)» you can assume that it does.
  • Once you have finished your Spanish to English translation, read everything to double-check.

Spanish to English translation foundation tier

Let’s practice, below there are twelve sentences in Spanish related to the world of education and school. Could you translate them into English? Do not forget to follow the advice above and you know that, if you are registered as one of our VIP students, you can send them to us to correct, simply write them in a Word document and send them to us by emailing at

  1. Casi siempre voy al colegio en bici.
  2. Tengo muchos amigos en el colegio.
  3. No debe haber acoso escolar en los colegios
  4. Juego al fútbol en el equipo de mi colegio.
  5. Cuando llueve, mi madre me lleva al colegio en coche.
  6. Me gusta mucho la Biología. Es mi asignatura favorita.
  7. En mi escuela primaria teníamos que llevar uniforme.
  8. Cuando tenga dieciocho años iré a la universidad.
  9. Creo que de mayor quiero ser veterinario/veterinaria
  10. Mi profesora de español muy simpática y amable.
  11. El año pasado fui a esquiar a Francia con el colegio.
  12. Durante las vacaciones de verano, voy a una escuela de verano.

Higher tier translate from Spanish to English

In this second exercise, you will have to translate a text. It’s practically the same vocabulary that is in the sentences above but joined by some connectors. Observe the words in bold in the text below they are connectors, and they will make a difference in your Spanish.

Now as in the previous exercise, translate the text and, if you are registered as a VIP student, send it to correct to

Normalmente voy al colegio en bicicleta y tardo unos 20 minutos en llegar. Sin embargo, cuando llueve mi madre me lleva en su coche.

Me gusta mucho mi colegio, los profesores son todos muy profesionales y amables. Mi asignatura favorita es la Biología, porque me gustaría estudiar Veterinaria en la universidad y, además, me encantan los animales.

También tengo muchos amigos y juego al futbol en el equipo del colegio. Aunque lo más importante es que no hay acoso escolar. Creo que el acoso escolar es algo horrible y todos debemos luchar para evitarlo.

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